LIVING ROOM WALL, installation, 2014 (detail)
Exhibition curated by Tilman Kriesel at ph-projects/ Produzentengalerie Hamburg, Potsdamer Str. 81b, 10785 Berlin
It is the “Zimmerwand,” German for room wall, which allows a private view of a multi-layered life as seen and commented by the artist Ludwig Schönherr.
This assemblage of diverse images, objects, contact prints, clocks, found objects, letters, photographs, mathematical formulas, thoughts, collages, scores, sketches, newspaper clippings and notes contains the most important pieces of the puzzle from a largely unknown, but not insignificant body of work.
—Tilman Kriesel (excerpt)
WOHNZIMMERWAND, Ausstellung, ph projects berlin, 2014 (Installationsansicht)
Detailaufnahme von Wohnzimmerwand, 2014